Once again, I'm coming to you to promote some amazing Indie music that just doesn't seem to be nearly as appreciated as it should be. Today, I'll be reviewing Saint Warhead.
This is a young man whose talents are on par with some of the biggest names in mainstream Christian rap music today- Not to mention mainstream in general. His music is excellent, and his lyricism is extraordinary. When you listen to his songs, you hear the man's soul being poured out into the music. This is something that is seriously lacking in most music of this genre lately.
Take his latest single, Gotta Get Away. Joining forces with another fantastic artist, Lauren Light, this song speaks to the need to be unique in a cookie cutter world. The issues that can befall an artist willing to stand on his own are many. For those few who refuse to do something just because everyone else is doing it, labels are quickly applied, and too often they are less than complimentary.
Then there's the single Off My Chest. This song is talking about his own personal testimony, a thing of beauty in and of itself. In his own words "If I die tonight, then the good don't die young." The emotion within this song is evident, and by using his own voice for the chorus just pushes that envelope.
Finally, check out Clear Sound. Talk about remembering your chains! This is one young man who does not forget where he came from. Given this fact, I truly believe this is an individual that will go far. Only those who remain grounded are able to fly. One of the biggest issues with songs like this one is the feeling that you're listening to someone talk about a movie, rather than a part of their own life. Not so with this joint.
In closing, I urge you to check out Saint Warhead. I've only reviewed a few of his songs, and he's got more on profile which I'll link to in a moment. For the time being, chill and listen. You will be glad you did!
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